{{ $company_name }}

Registered Office:-

{{ $address }}

Mobile: {{ $mobile }}

SALARY SLIP OF {{ date('F-Y', strtotime($month_year)) }}

Employee Name {{ $name }} Date Of Joining {{ date('d-m-Y', strtotime($created_at)) }}
Designation {{ $position_name }}
Employee Id {{ $employee_code }}
Email {{ $email }}
@php $SalaryMaster = DB::table('salary_masters')->where('office_id', $office_id)->where('earning_deduction', 1)->select('amount_percent', 'header_name')->get(); $extra_earn = 0; @endphp @foreach($SalaryMaster as $SalaryM) @php $other_earn = $net_salary * ($SalaryM->amount_percent / 100); @endphp @endforeach @if($incentive) @php $extra_earn += $incentive; @endphp @endif @if($bonus) @php $extra_earn += $bonus; @endphp @endif
+ Earning
{{ $SalaryM->header_name }}{{ round($other_earn) }}
Incentive {{ $incentive }}
Bonus {{ $bonus }}
@php $SalaryMaster = DB::table('salary_masters')->where('office_id', $office_id)->where('earning_deduction', 2)->select('amount_percent', 'header_name')->get(); $extra_deduct = 0; $abs_salary = round($deduction_salary); $extra_deduct += $abs_salary; @endphp @if($SalaryMaster) @foreach($SalaryMaster as $SalaryM) @php $other_deduct = $net_salary * ($SalaryM->amount_percent / 100); $extra_deduct += $other_deduct; @endphp @endforeach @endif
- Deduction
{{ $SalaryM->header_name }} {{ $other_deduct }}
Leave Without Pay ({{ $absent - $leave }}) {{ $abs_salary }}
Total Earning:- {{ $net_salary + $extra_earn }}/- Total Deduction:- {{ $extra_deduct }}/-

(Earning – Deductions + Round Off)

Net Pay:-
{{ round($net_salary + $extra_earn - $extra_deduct) }}/-
This is computer generated slip hence not need any signature